Thursday, 30 May 2019

New song coffee house by Alax Dipto

Song of coffee house by Alax Dipto

The coffee house is not in the present day today and there is no more where the golden afternoon is lost that day. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. Nikhilesh Paris is not in Dhaka, they have no news today. The Grand Giftist Gianz Dzuza is asleep in the grave today. Rama Roy, who is mad at the end, who is hurt in love, and Amma is not happy that she did not have life in a dying cancer. The coffee house is no longer in the house today and there is no more where the golden afternoon was lost that daySujata is the happiest today I have heard of the millionaire husband and her diamond and she is in front of the house. And the picture of the son of the college Nikhilesh Sankal advert. And the eyes filled with silent listeners were sitting just in disjunja .The coffee house is not in the present day today and there is no more where the golden afternoon is lost that day.

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6/6/2024 May our life be beautiful queen.

love you my queen তো মাকে ভালোবাসি এই কথাটি জানে দখিন হাওয়া, বায়ুমন্ডলের উচ্চতা  তোমাকে ভালোবাসি এই কথাটি জানে  ভোরের শিউলি, জানে মাধবীলতা!...