Thursday 30 May 2019

New English song by Alax Dipto

New English Song By Alax Dipto

When I do not read the sign of the feet of my feet, I do not have a bibo. I do not have a bibo or your rituals when you go to this gate, but you can not see the footprint of this foot. The debt lenda debt will be stopped by buying a sale. If you remember Nayaba at this place in Anagona. Call me to ask me for my drink. When it does not fall, it is the sign of the foot. When the dust tanpurata will be clogged in the door of the house. Aha dhaamata dhana Tanpurata taragulaya. If you remember Nayaba then call me Niba to drink the stars. When it does not fall, it's the sign of the feet.

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6/6/2024 May our life be beautiful queen.

love you my queen তো মাকে ভালোবাসি এই কথাটি জানে দখিন হাওয়া, বায়ুমন্ডলের উচ্চতা  তোমাকে ভালোবাসি এই কথাটি জানে  ভোরের শিউলি, জানে মাধবীলতা!...