Friday 14 June 2019

Story of a serpent and a woman .... !!

Story of a serpent and a woman .... !!

One woman had a snake snake. One day suddenly the snake stopped eating.
Just lying in bed on the bed. She does not eat anything. After many failed efforts, the woman took the snake to the doctor.

After examining the doctor asked the snake while you go to sleep? The woman said 'yes'

The doctor said, "See, actually
Your snake has no disease, and you are tempted to digest and treat yourselfThat's why you keep yourself obsessed by being able to sleep regularly and test you by measuring you. You will swallow it in the right time "
Moral: - If someone is in the same room or smile with you, do not think that he is your friend!

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6/6/2024 May our life be beautiful queen.

love you my queen তো মাকে ভালোবাসি এই কথাটি জানে দখিন হাওয়া, বায়ুমন্ডলের উচ্চতা  তোমাকে ভালোবাসি এই কথাটি জানে  ভোরের শিউলি, জানে মাধবীলতা!...